I am hearing some of yours saying "Why this is neccesary thing for our security" or "Come on it is important for being protected by enemies" Yes you are right,but cameras must be placed some neccesary places like really high polulated avenues or streests but I am saying it can't be sited in or near my home or private garden or my low populated street. My privarcy against goverments must be in a certain extend. I mean it must have limits. Because in social socieities goverments have some duities for their people and also people have some rresponsibilities like giving tax or being in army for while and protecting socieities. Privacy is one of the duities that goverments should carry out and for that reason government must be on middle way and site that machines only high populated areas or important district for army and country securuty.As I am coming out against that machines covered everywhere I am also coming out being non secure from lack of wathcing high populated areas like fifth street in Manhattan.
Maybe you are wondering why I am so overrating this subject. Like you are seeing the picture at the top of us: illimunati. I am not heading so much to that secret organization. Nowadays, (last 2 year) on every popular cinema films,video clips(lady gaga, rihanna maaron...) this all-seeing-eye occures very much. I don't wanna hook it's name or it's indeed being or not being. I am noticed there is some of propagandas like that "we are seeing you in everywhere" or "We can barge in your privarcy" and they are all so annoying. Nobody can barge anyone's private idea or opinion and it is important thing for being society and living together. Today it is that from me. If you are not agreeing with me or you have some additional significant informations to give out, you can comment. See you later.
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