Sometimes I feel really bored at home. When I bored, I never hesitate, certainly go out. Because walking on the streets between high apartments, after that roaming alon the coasts of Marmara is good for my physocological health and physical relaxing. I don't know why, but it's good.
When I was roaming, I noticed something yesterday. Even though I say "I'm fine, there's no problem." maybe I'm not healthy too much. In fact, I think all the people have some mental and physocogical problems. Beacsuse as you know, a guy who can't improve any fellowship with somebody else or behaves only according to his/her opinion is unhealthy. And I see at the beach, at the city center, at the everywhere; people say each other only "hi" and "good bye". That isn't even a friendship of course. That'a a weak connection between two old and low-quality phones. People afraid of helping each other. Last night I wanted a fire for my cigarette from a man. He almost screamed... So, nobody can talk each other honestly and nobody can trust each other in metropols. If you don't agree, please show me a metropol that has healthier people than small and silent towns'. I'm sorry but you have to be ready for some serious social problems if you want to live in high apartments and unnecessarry complex structures. And don't forget, social ilnesses brings social schizophrenia.
So you, boss, you want more and more benefit, you want more and more money, I know. But if these people have a health problem, you'll never get enough money to keep yourself alive. You'll never find a high-quality suit just like now you're wearing. You're always thinking about structures, workers and money, for now. But human kind has a brain and a heart. And they're the most necessary organs to their body. Please listen and serve them. I'm suggesting for yourself, please develope and improve your brain first.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
bored person,
boring life,
boring office,
Friday, April 27, 2012
Air pollution
As you can uderstand from title today I am gonna tell you about air pollution. A person's most valuable behave is breathing. Big factory's gases, car's exhaust gas, some of energy santral's is a very big threat for human health. Don' misunderstand I don't wanna say: "don't built factory, don't use car or don't built santrals" like funny greenpeace members. If a society decide to live together they should have some duities and responses against their nation. And one of these responses is "sacrifiting yourself for your freedom and independence" On a path to this duty you must accept some riskes and dangers.
Althought everything that I said this isn't meaning we should die just so. I mean we should first take some precautions and then despite everything you can't stop killing from pollution, for my opinion you became a hero and give your life for your society's independence. Anyway this idea is open for debate and already people are debating that. İf you have a better idea please write it comment side.

Finally I think we must educate some really clever and creative engineers for allowing that pollution. This is a job-finisher solution for this problem. And also government must take some necessary precautions like filthering poison or building this polliting structures far away from high density areas. Today it is that from me. See you later my dear reader.
air pollution,
being nation,
society's healty
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Minority of green parks
Today I will talk about minority of green areas and parks in big high density cities. Look the example that is concrete: Manhattan city. There is no green land except Central Park. I wanna show you a little example my friend look at this photo and if you can see any green land od area rise your hand. If Empire state building becomes overgrown with ivy isn't it bad:) Yes I know it is Tyler Durden's voice but I am not joking.Calm down I don't wanna expressing "hey people everybody let's become anarchist". Everyting is going as before but I will show you how can we make beautiful change:)
Let's start! First of all roofs afrter walls and finally streets! Look photos of the bottom everything is clear and as before. Only there is a change of color, we add some green:)Yes I know it isn't good enought as real garden. At the begining of blog we are not like silly, contrived greenpeace members; we are looking for REAL GREEN and for my opininon real green is not serial production manufacture; it is not in magazines that contributing idiot celebrities and it is not in brochures that containing credit card. İt is in nature and giving answer to our main instincts.
Because of that, we can't demolish everything for rebuilding it or making change fastly, we will accord it:)
And I am dreaming my environment like that photos. Look at roofs at least if we can't built Central parks everywhere we can make this easily.
Dear my reader you can ask some qouestions to me like "why this man is talking about like giving orders or directives but my purpose and wish is making a debate atmosphere. I mean for that reason I frequently talking subjective. With a wish everwhere one day will resemble liike that photo of bottom. See you later with another debate with different subject.
green city,
green roof,
overgrown with ivy,
real green
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Last Sunday, I got up at 7 o'clock. It's earlier than any routine weekends. Because I felt I'm more energic.
So, I made a cup of coffee. "There is no place to boring ideas in my brain, enjoy the spring." I thought. Then, I watched an apartment viewing while I was drinking my coffee. I couldn't see any trees, sea or mountain. Because our town is full of apartments. The only viewing is your opposite neighbour's balcony and the only way to walk is the narrow, concreted streets. Therefore, I have a really interesting architectural pleasure since I was a little child. Enjoy it!...
After that, I went out for a walk. Generally I go to the beach and walk along the Bosphorus. Last Sunday I did the same. In fact, I can say that the only natural region is there in my life. Bu it's not exactly natural, too. I heard waves' sounds while they were hitting the rocks. But I heard noises of trucks and cars on my other side at the same time. So, I went on to the rocks and I came to the edge of the coast. I tried to have a rest but I couldn't again. Because sea was full of industrial, plastic, etc. wastes. I understood it's impossible to find a 100% clean and natural place in this city.

I woke up to live a silent and relaxing Sunday, but each decisions eliminated by the city, by the unconscious and ambitious people, by the capitalism. I felt everything is dissident to me and I can do nothing. So, I continued to live same life and feel same things. I contunied to talking to the walls. And I damned the god of the 21. century: money...
I tried to tell you my last Sunday, in fact every Sunday. I certainly know everybody thinks almost like me, except fake bourgeois and slaves of money. But I can't see any change, any movement. So I think the same thing again: What's wrong with us my friends?
green city,
Being alone in metropol!
Do you think; people around you, people that contributes late night parties and people that seems like merging with everyone around himself/herself are have never taste loneliness. Of course not you super brain. They are only seems like" they are the most social person in the earth". But notice that: "They are only seems like that". I wanna show you most of them don't even had a real friendship in their contrived life. They can't understand real friendship's power and effect. They are only concerning with money and they suppose that green paper piece saving all of them's life, as if money can buy everything.With realizing that what I am saying, Iam asking you one question to you my reader: Do you want a relationship that you can't talk about except money, tv, popular stupid showmens or a relationship even if money can't effect it and you can feel togetherness and sincerity that real storms can't effect it.
Then one question is coming our mind:why?we have too many reasons for this my frined. First of all capitalism and industrial revolition. They triggering of technological advences to positive side. Yes it is good for our healty, and living standarts but even so this technological advences effect our social life too negatively. Now we don't need anymore merging with people and mutual society because computers machines are doing all job we don't need our mutual friends and loneliness is starting at that time. After that we only need distant business partners.
All of that is causing a problem that containing loneliness in millions of person like that photo. Yes I know that is real succes! But don't get angry, god didn't do this disaster we done this disaster and we also we are responsible for that. See you later dear reader. That is that now
This is real loneliness my friend...
Then one question is coming our mind:why?we have too many reasons for this my frined. First of all capitalism and industrial revolition. They triggering of technological advences to positive side. Yes it is good for our healty, and living standarts but even so this technological advences effect our social life too negatively. Now we don't need anymore merging with people and mutual society because computers machines are doing all job we don't need our mutual friends and loneliness is starting at that time. After that we only need distant business partners.
This is real loneliness my friend...
alone in city,
being alone,
city life,
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Hi everybody!
Which life is better? Do you prefer a technological and modern life even though its noise and stress? But you know, a life that includes a lot of stresses and noises isn’t good for your health. So, how about living a silent, relax and also technological, civilizated life?
İ think it’s the most serious problem in the world today, and it needs a solution immediately. Global pollution, high population, inequal life standarts, etc. Every problem belongs to everbody. None of these is personal. Our decisions will effect the world’s future, of course our future, too.
You can find a lot of essays, ancyclopedical informations about these problems everywhere. Everyone knows about noise and stres of city life, or decreasing the rate of green land in the world. But very few peaople notice that 21. century’s life style hurts our mental and physocogical health seriously. We can say it’s because of the capitalism and post modernism. Since the capitalist system was applied all over the world, especially in 20. and 21. centuries, quality and value of human kind is decreasing day by day.
I guess somebody will think I don’t wan’t technology, I don’t want computers, televisions, mobile phones, etc. Of course I like modern life. All of them are product of our brain and all of them are experiences of centuries. But I suggest only one thing: Why don’t we live modern life except cutting woods and constructing high buildings out of the necessity? We can live with our ipod, computer and also with forests and all kinds of animals.
I’ll write about these problems of metropols, enjoy it… And final words I have to say: Please write comments if it’s possible. It’s very important for me to learn what do people from different places think about these problems?
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